Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Android Photography

Android Photography...

I know, that just sounds weird.  Like something out of a cheap Sci-Fi flick, where you have an artificial life-form taking photos.
Having just been (recently) given a Samsung Galaxy Nexus S2LTE Mobile, I decided to try to muck around a bit with the camera on it.  It does what I expected it to do, and that's take decent images that are highly saturated, and fairly sharp.  DSLR or P&S quality?  Not really, but overall decent.
One thing is, though, that I downloaded an APP called "Retro Camera" for some fun effects.  One that I have really grown attached to is the Xoloroid 2000 which adds a "Polaroid" type of feel to the photo, with low saturated colour, and muted sharpness.
The scratches, though, are an unfortunate side-effect of this "camera" choice, but that's okay, it is a funny effect.

Funny when you go to view the photos in the APP as it takes you to a big door that says, "Print Developing In Progress" with a big flashing red light and a sign that says, "DARKROOM IN USE".

Then when it is all "done" with the developing, they are hanging, complete with clothes pegs, on a line to "dry" and view.
Pretty funny, actually, considering.

The effect I am talking about is here..
In An Old Style Dungeon

Do you like this nifty look?  Check out the APP Retro Camera in your Android Playstore, or on your iPhone from iTunes.

If you want to have a more authentic look, then pop over to the Film Photography Project for some Impossible film and a Polaroid camera.

Until next time, keep those shutters, or in this case phones, firing!