Ricoh Mirai 35-135 Zoom Bridge SLR - Polypan F 50ISO - Ilfosol 3 1:14 - 9:30 |
There's really no way to describe the look. It's just an awesome home.. I cannot actually get over the tonality of this shot, and will have to revisit this place soon.. Not to mention, I'm going to have to get a wet-print done of this in the Darkroom, it's just perfect! There is no reay way to say it, but this is just an incredible house. The stucture is so well maintained, it has been kept in the exact styling of an original Colonial home from when it was built, and I just can't really see this house ever being torn down. In fact, I'd be very sad to see it go.
There really aren't many homes built like this anymore, in fact there aren't any homes built like this that will look as good or work as well, considering that they would be more tacky than tasteful.
I think I should revisit this with my Bronica with some EFKE IR... I can't imagine how that will look!
Glad I shot this, and I am even more happy at how it turned out..
Considering the amount of newer homes in the area, these old homes really do stand out.
Until next time....
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