Mind you, I rarely ever see Street Photographers anymore.. I see them every now and then, but it's becoming rather rare. Are people becoming leery of the art? Or did they lose that passion?

For me, I can't get enough of it? Sure, the area I work and live in isn't the greatest for it, but I do get the odd chance to go downtown. And that's where you can get some incredible chances for really interesting images.
From people sleeping on benches, to the wildest of street wear, it's all downtown!
Looking forward to the chance to do that this summer... Hopefully more often than not!
My weapon of choice for this adventure today? My Pentax Spotmatic w/Carl Zeiss Jena T* ƒ/2.8 50mm lens. Oh what a wonderful camera and lens combo. It's just brilliant, actually. The lens is tack sharp, the camera is spot on with the light meter, and they just seem to make the perfect team!

I do have a Pentacon 50mm ƒ/1.8, but I need to pull it apart and clean the elements completely, as it looks like they have a bit of haze.
The main reason that I find street photography so much fun, and so exhilarating actually has nothing to do with those that get an adrenaline rush from it after they stick their camera in someone's face to snap a very invasive photo.. Not at all. I don't shove my camera into someone's personal space, use a 50mm not a 24mm, and make sure that the photo is as flattering as possible without hurting the personal feelings of said subject. Most people are completely unaware that you took their photo, while others are aware of it, and just don't care. Probably questioning your sanity.

Always try to use your best judgement when shooting, by putting yourself in the other person's shoes. Would you appreciate a camera shoved in your face for the shot you're trying to get? Or not?
If you feel that you're just doing it to be an annoyance, then you should give it up. It's not about trying to annoy people, but looking for that perfect moment of raw emotion, or a situation that tells a much bigger story.
This guy was sleeping, not sure exactly why he was sleeping, besides being tired. Perhaps the cart is all he has, and this is, basically, his home. Who knows, as the financial crisis around the globe has effected everyone, whether they know it, or not. It shows in almost every city and town around the world, with massive layoffs, job cuts, companies no longer hiring, and just an over-all shortage of work when there used to be a huge surplus of work just a short time ago.
This is one of those moments that I completely fail to understand. Two different government agencies, such as the post office and parking enforcement, they just seem to clash and battle it out on a daily basis. I don't understand how ticketing a post office vehicle makes sense. I understand that a PEO is a municipal officer, where as the Posties are Federal, but when you are one level of government ticketing the other, it just seems like a complete waste of time! Not the smartest thing you see on a daily basis. The interesting part here, is this truck already HAS a parking ticket on it. Obviously the drivers do not care about the tickets. Then again, maybe it is a game for them. How many tickets can you accrue in one day.
On a different side of things, sometimes you find a moment to capture that is far from invasive. In fact, it's just the right moment to capture. Such as this young lady that was shooting an image of the Canada Life building. I understand that using an LCD screen to compose the image can be nice, as it's a bit larger than a viewfinder, but when you've used a viewfinder for years, it just doesn't make sense to try to use an LCD screen. The fact that many camera manufacturer's are actually getting RID of their viewfinder in place of a "large" LCD screen just seems, well, silly to me. Why they do this, is beyond me. In fact, there is a large segment of people that have never shot a photo using a viewfinder before, and this segment is getting larger, and larger. It says a lot about someone that can look at the image on an LCD unfold before them and say, "Wow! This is a nice photo!" compared to someone who looks at the photo before taking it, lines it up in their viewfinder, and snaps it, knowing exactly how it will come out before they have even pushed the shutter release.

As these 4 are walking up University avenue, one of those 4 the young lady photographer above, they are almost in perfect step, with just one being out of step.
When I took this, I never noticed their feet being almost in sync, but got a pleasant surprise when I developed this roll of film.
Although I try not to stick my camera in someone's face, there are times where I'll go against this little suggestion, and actually do something like that. Especially when something catches my eye, such as a nice coat, a tattoo that is very strong, or, say, a rather interesting looking, and well textured wool hat. Something like this really stands out. It matched her entire look. From the fur lined hood and thick jacket, to the way she had her hair, and even the look on her face. It all worked nicely.
The texture makes it look hand-stitched, perhaps because it is, but as I never struck up a conversation with her, I'll never know. Too bad, because she was a pretty girl too! I think she'd have fun as a photo-shoot model, even if she did it as an amateur, either paid or unpaid. Who knows! The nice thing is, that you don't have to be rail thin, and still considered too fat!
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