My cameras of choice, were, the Venerable Kodak Brownie Bullseye, and the Kodak Hawkeye Flash.
Both cameras work remarkably well. And provided I remember to actually set the shutter on the Bulls-Eye to INSTANT it is capable of some really good images!
I haven't put Colour film through it, not that I don't want to, but I think I'll wait until the summer before I do that.
Sadly I worked that day, and we had really crappy weather. It was raining, then snowing, back to rain, and sleet! It was terrible... Cold, wet, windy, and just plain dismal!
I was shooting TMAX 100 in one camera and Ilford FP4 in the other. The Ilford in the Bulls-Eye, and the TMAX in the Hawkeye. Of course, due to such crappy weather, I had to push both films to 400ISO when developing. Not a problem, as the developer of choice for the Ilford was XTOL at STOCK solution. What great stuff that is!
The TMAX I used Rodinal at 1:100 for 75 minutes (and a slight swirl at 35 minutes). Great combination and wonderful results over all...!
Looking forward to doing it all over again, but of course, I don't see it being a Feb. 29th day again... not for another 4 years ///!
And now for the images from the day.. Well, the Bullseye was a touch heavy, and having never used it before, or anything like it, I did get one excellent result.
The Hawkeye, well, that's a different story. I've used a camera like it before, not quite the same, but similar. Got very nice results with that one.

Above 5 images - Kodak Hawkeye Flash w/Tmax 100 @ EI400 Souped in Rodinal 1:100 75 Minutes @20°C
Above Image - Kodak Bullseye w/Ilford FP4 125 @400EV Souped In XTOL Stock Solution
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