Had my wife play with the K1000 and Vivitar 135mm ƒ/2.8 K lens. Sure enough, she's actually learned a thing or two about using these cameras after all!
Sure, these images are staged, but they have the effect I was going for.
The one on the right, was shot around 12:02AM, the empty bottle is an empty bottle from around Christmas, and the glass has a chip in it. But never saw a drop of wine..

I understand the main reason as to why you get plastered on New Years. To bury your sorrows and sins from the year before, ending them in a bottle of alcohol, and waking up the next day to start fresh and clean for the new year. But drinking just isn't my thing! Never has been, and probably never will be. Now, that's not to say I don't like a nice glass of beer or wine from time to time, but it's not the first thing on my agenda. Hope that this year is not just better than the last, but that everyone finds their wishes fulfilled (reasonably anyway) so that we can all continue to move forward..
Cheers everyone!
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